GOOD NEWS The ozone layer is getting healthier, hands-on sex education for the blind, Ghana makes waves with surf tradition Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Fiji recognizes waste pickers as heroes, simple test predicts a baby’s eczema risk, gun sales get separate merchant category Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Corals inherit genetic mutations, scientists reprogram yeast to fight cancer, a drop-in replacement for 50cc motors Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Saliva home test detects oral cancer, Scotland is decarbonizing its bus sector, breakthrough in search for tinnitus cure Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Honeybee venom kills breast cancer, scientists identify 139 new species, more efficient LEDs made from fish scales Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Mauna Kea returned to native Hawaiians, UN: healthy environment is a human right, a schoolbus that feeds the power grid Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS 40% more tigers than previously estimated, Cuba to vote on same-sex marriage, EV that captures carbon Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS This blue can capture gold, US government plans nicotine limitations, Seattle offers EV chargers on utility poles Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Canada bans single-use plastics, Ivy League universtity ditches student loans, e-rickshaws with recycled EV batteries Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Moths inspire sound-absorbing wallpaper, one-time treatment for HIV, mistletoe goo makes for bio-superglue Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS An alternative to open heart surgery, Ikea selling solar panels in California, novel material enhances thermal efficiency Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Wales outlaws slapping children, haircuts provide sustainable climate solutions, tech instead of traps to scare off monkeys Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Legal rights for nature in Panama, DNA test to screen 50+ genetic diseases, first fish ever named by Maldivian scientist Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Chile legalizes same-sex marriage, EU lowers VAT for climate saving products, 10,000 school buses in US go electric Published by Maggie Zogg