GOOD NEWS Plastic-eating marine fungus, new lung cancer drug stops progression, supercomputer makes AIs less offensive Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Australia offers climate refuge, deepwater corals found off Galápagos, JustDance includes wheelchair-friendly routines Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Drug slows Alzeimer’s by 35%, magic mushrooms cure color blindness, Hawai’i restores Indigenous conservation system Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Liverpool commits to Paris agreement, Australian PM marches for Pride, cruelty-free rituals with robotic elephant Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Australia blocks mine to protect Great Barrier Reef, Aspirin boosts ovarian cancer survival, surfers save lives Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Popcorn is a superfoood, Australia approves medical magic mushrooms, first-ever sugar limits for US schools Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS New vaccine could eradicate malaria , another oil company exits Arctic, EU aims to end the era of disposable devices Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Wild bison return to the UK, electricity plant powered by cow manure, window-sized transparent solar cells Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS That first lager is good for your gut, Australia targets 43% GHG reduction, EPA cracks down on PFAS Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Hong Kong enacts ban on ivory sale, France bans plastic packaging for fresh fruit and veggies Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Australia to establish reparations fund for ‘Stolen Generation’, futuristic shoe inserts for the visually impaired Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS Scientists upcycle food scraps into materials stronger than concrete, Uber drivers win their first unionization deal Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS Australia announces A$100 million initiative to protect the oceans, Guinea worm cases fell 50% in 2020 Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS New pills release insulin when glucose levels are high, Saks Fifth Avenue to stop selling fur by 2023 Published by Roxana Adam