Fighting Online Trolls


Fighting Online Trolls, The Future of Toilets, Experiencing Autism Through Virtual Reality

#Jagärhär (#Iamhere) is a Swedish group of about 75,000 people that fight online abuse, supporting and defending those under attack; tiger worms process waste into water and compost, eliminating 99% of pathogens and 85% of solid material; “An Empathy Bridge for Autism” uses virtual reality to help people experience the sensory and motor challenges of those suffering from autism.

Ethiopia’s First Female President


Ethiopia’s First Female President, EU Approves Single-Use Plastic Ban, Social Media App Saves Lives

Members of parliament elected Sahle-Work Zewde to become Ethiopia’s first female head of state; the European Parliament overwhelmingly voted to ban common single-use plastics; and researchers found a social media app that connects neighbors in disaster-prone communities across Indonesia, thus saving lives and reducing financial losses.