New Era for Women in US Congress


New Era for Women in US Congress, Flood-Proof Solar Power, Fish-Friendly Ocean Energy

More than 100 women are projected to join the US House and Senate following the US midterm elections; Flood-proof clean energy; the worst floods in a century hit Kerala state in August, but India’s first floating solar panels managed to escape unscathed; and testing fish-friendly wave power, Bombora Wave Power is on its way to producing renewable energy without harming sea life.

World Leader in Ocean Protection


World Leader in Ocean Protection, Ending Homelessness with Coffee, Solar Powered Refugee Aid

The Isle of Man is showing the world how working together as a community can result in eliminating plastic from local beaches in just a decade; coffee company Change Please is hiring and training homeless people to become baristas; and in the world’s largest refugee camp solar energy is helping the HOPE Foundation for Women and Children of Bangladesh be more efficient in delivering aid to Rohingya refugees.