GOOD NEWS New therapy could reverse paralysis, Europe’s first hydrogen bus, YouTube hides public thumbs-down counts Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS First whale sanctuary in America opens 2023, Barcelona launches Center for Plural Masculinities Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Major pension fund ABP quits fossil fuels, free index to world’s research papers, EV tops Europes’ monthly sales chart Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS New Zealand passes climate change disclosure laws for financial firms, shaggy Spanish sheep rescued from extinction Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Swiss tech giant launches fastest EV charger to date, Australia hands back rainforest to Aboriginal owners Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS India launches first non-GM herbicide-tolerant rice varieties, bike shelters made of discarded wind turbine blades Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS NYC issues laws to protect food delivery workers, battery-free system gives infinite lifetime to DIY devices Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Gates raises over $1Billion to scale green tech, new approach shrinks treatment-resistant ovarian cancer Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Bifacial solar cell breaks records, AirBnB offers free housing to Afghan refugees, New York gets first female governor Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS World’s first “green steel” delivery, IKEA provides renewable energy, Science gets bespoke African terms Published by Maggie Zogg