GOOD NEWS Historical: EU prioritizes cyclists and pedestrians in urban planning, NYC expands voting rights to non-citizens Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS British farmers to be paid to restore natural habitats, French car ads to include green warnings, nailable solar shingles Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Sweden creates agency to combat fake news, clean energy is cheaper than depending on gas, affordable solar homes Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Denmark promises green domestic flights by 2030, record number of women in new Dutch government Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Palma limits daily cruise ship arrivals, extinct tequila fish successfully reintroduced, Italy bans fur farming Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Hong Kong enacts ban on ivory sale, France bans plastic packaging for fresh fruit and veggies Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Microbes are evolving to eat plastic, German cabinet boosts climate fund, France bans LGBT+ conversion Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Washable batteries, medicinal cannabis against epileptic seizures in kids, Pittsburgh becoming a dark sky city Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Solar parks can boost bumblebee numbers, Hip Hop song linked to a reduction of suicides in the US Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS New Zealand plans to be smoking free, eye drops instead of reading glasses, grandparents get paid leave at Saga Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Chile legalizes same-sex marriage, EU lowers VAT for climate saving products, 10,000 school buses in US go electric Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Green ammonia got commercially viable, Viagra may help prevent Alzheimer’s, Printed label detects bacteria Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Smart nets prevent unintentional catch, Armani Group says no to angora wool, Scotland wants to end addiction stigma Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Disney appoints first woman as chair, low-cost solar energy storage, Papua clan gets official reconition Published by Maggie Zogg