Caribbean Resorts Go Green


Caribbean Resorts Go Green, Preserving Mayan Forests, Cruise Line Abandons Plastic Bottles

From reducing energy use to eliminating plastic waste, hotels in the Caribbean are finding that being environmentally friendly is popular with tourists; a Mayan town was able to use knowledge inherited from its ancestors to convert pastureland into forests; and in an industry known for its harsh environmental impact, Oceania becomes the first cruise line to eliminate plastic bottles.

Sustainable Rice Farming


Sustainable Rice Farming, E-Cigarettes Help Smokers Quit, Weather Data For Farmers

A new way of planting rice increases production by up to 200% while cutting water usage in half; a recent study indicates that e-cigarettes are twice as effective as either nicotine patches or gum at helping smokers quit; and by making real-time weather data accessible to smallholder coffee farmers, they are able to build resilience to climate change and increase yields.

Food as a Right of Citizenship, Coffee Farmers Fight Climate Change, ‘Dress to Impress’ Initiative

At the cost of less than 2% of the city’s budget, Belo Horizonte cut its infant death rate – widely used as evidence of hunger – by more than half; a UN initiative will train farmers to be sustainable, reforest land, and plan for climate change, all while growing higher quality coffee for better profits; and the ‘Dress to Impress’ initiative will let anyone buy an interview outfit for just £10 at over 650 charity shops in the UK.

Informed Consumers Make Sustainable Choices


Informed Consumers Make Sustainable Choices, Filipino Muslims Vote on Autonomy, Recycling in Mogadishu

Research shows that, when educated with clear information about the food’s global impact, individuals make more environmentally-friendly choices; three million Filipino Muslims voted to end a decades-long conflict and receive control over their land and resources; and with the Somalian government unable to deal with trash collection, some Somalians saw a business opportunity to turn plastic bags, bottles, and wrappers into roof tiles and other recycled goods.

A Model for Sustainable Energy

A Model for Sustainable Energy, Ethiopia Offers Refugees Hope, Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia

Ethiopia allows almost 1 million refugees to live outside of camps, register births, attend schools, and have access to financial services such as bank accounts; thanks to a combination of technology, policy, and resources, Orkney now produces more electricity than it can use; and Saudi Arabia lifts men’s permission requirement for women’s maternal health decisions.

China's Creative Urban Planning


China’s Creative Urban Planning, UK Newspaper Switches to Biodegradable Plastics, Effective Mosquito Repellent

In Asia’s fast-expanding and crowded cities, city planners in China are utilizing unused land under bridges, flyovers, and viaducts; UK newspaper ‘The Guardian’ has replaced its plastic packaging in favor of a biodegradable material that breaks down in just six months; and according to a new study rare worm bacteria is three times more effective than DEET, the biggest commercial repellant in the world.

Fighting Online Trolls


Fighting Online Trolls, The Future of Toilets, Experiencing Autism Through Virtual Reality

#Jagärhär (#Iamhere) is a Swedish group of about 75,000 people that fight online abuse, supporting and defending those under attack; tiger worms process waste into water and compost, eliminating 99% of pathogens and 85% of solid material; “An Empathy Bridge for Autism” uses virtual reality to help people experience the sensory and motor challenges of those suffering from autism.


Adapting to Climate Change, Protection for Women Online, Papua New Guinea Agroforestry

This island Kokota was on the brink of disaster, but in recent years, the island has managed to step back from the brink of ruin and adapt to climate change thanks to massive reforestation efforts; the NGO Digital Rights Foundation has set up a helpline for victims of online harassment in Pakistan; and Papua New Guinea farmers use agroforestry — the cropping of useful fruit and nut trees with understory vines, shrubs, and vegetables in a forest-mimicking system —to fight crop diseases and reduce labor.

Free Public Transportation in Luxembourg


Free Public Transportation in Luxembourg, “Flying Shame”, Solar Power Transforming Communities

Luxembourg’s government seeks to end some of the world’s worst traffic congestion by lifting the fares on public transportation; as a result of the ‘flying shame’ movement in Sweden, railway bookings have risen by more than 100 percent on certain routes; and mountain communities in Mexico are training their members to install solar panels in order to create employment and regain control over land and resources.

City Helps Homeless Find Shelter


City Helps Homeless Find Shelter, Lego Pledges $100m for Refugee Kids, 7 Wins Against Plastic in 2018

As temperatures drop in Sweden, Stockholm is using commercial advertisements to help people get to warmth and shelter; Lego has pledged $100 million to the nonprofit behind Sesame Street to give toys and books to children affected by the Syrian and Rohingya refugee crisis; and this year, humanity made some huge strides in dealing with plastic pollution.