Your contribution for more good news
Good News is donation-based, not-for-profit and reinvests all proceeds. 3 reasons to support us:
More optimism instead of hate: With your contribution you give constructive news and media more visibility in our society.
Journalism for everyone: All Good News offerings are completely free. We can do this because over 1,000 people voluntarily support us with donations every month.
It doesn’t cost much and doesn’t take long: No matter whether it’s a large or small donation. Everything helps us on our mission. Setting up via our donation form takes less than a minute!

100,000 readers:
inside per month
> 1,000 monthly
Donation goal:
€10,000 per month
So much work goes into Good News
Our three-person editorial team scours over 100 media outlets for you every day for constructive news. These are then examined and discussed.
After selecting the news, all messages must be entered into our free offers: app, newsletter, website and social media

Good News Transparency Report
We think that the people who support Good News should also have an insight into our funding structure.
That’s why we disclose our income and expenses over the last few years.
To our transparency report 2022.