GOOD NEWS World’s first AI agreement signed, Greece plans first major offshore wind farms, deep-frozen corals can reproduce Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Rainforest nations join for biodiversity, UK backs suspension of deep-sea mining, anger boosts performance Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Historic declaration to save river dolphins, vaccine for crack addiction, more disadvantaged students at top universities Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Indonesia recognizes ancestral forests, EU votes to cut pesticide use in half, use your phone to connect to nature Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS New plan to save the world’s oceans, solar farms in space are possible, woman directors improve corporate sustainability Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Nigeria launches mass HPV vaccine initiative, countries fight social isolation, Romania’s vast wilderness reserve Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Museum in Barcelona to display banned works, new reference genome reduces racial health disparities Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Giraffes return to Angola, known medicine significantly reduces STIs, writing by hand is good for your brain Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Daffodils could help to save the climate, carbon-negative recycling, Guatemala’s farmer-led agroecology schools Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Brazil deforestation drops 34%, Netherlands returns treasures, Japan Airlines rents out clothes to travelers Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS EU proposes world’s first soil law, environmental fund to train hundreds of young people for more diversity Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Scientists discover rare octopus nurseries, no-alcohol beer is booming in the UK, Volvo cuts shipping emissions by 84% Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Smartwatches detect Parkinson’s long before symptoms, US states bring climate education to classrooms Published by Maggie Zogg
GOOD NEWS Joshua Trees get protections, Dutch King apologizes for slave trade, Australian doctors can prescribe psychedelics Published by Maggie Zogg