GOOD NEWS Peru to establish reserve for ‘uncontacted peoples’, startup turns banana waste into hair extensions Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS Whitest paint ever could help cool heating Earth, bio-concrete from invasive species Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS Women’s most popular techniques for better orgasms, LinkedIn adds ‘stay-at-home parent’ job title Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS Belgium bans biofuels made from palm oil and soy, New Zealand to stop exporting livestock by sea Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS Nepal rhino numbers rise in ‘exciting’ milestone, new test detects depression in blood samples Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS France moves to ban short-haul domestic flights, UAE names 1st Arab female astronaut Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS Scientists produce eco-friendly glass material, world’s first living donor lung transplant Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS New pills release insulin when glucose levels are high, Saks Fifth Avenue to stop selling fur by 2023 Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS Antibiotic-resistant bugs’ Achilles heel, wireless brain-computer interface, artificial photosynthesis Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS HIV vaccine shows promise in human trial, 1st-ever human tracheal transplant, biodegradable ‘lego’ bricks Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS Scotland’s largest ever grassroots land buyout, Netflix targets net-zero carbon footprint by end of 2022 Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS Graphene made from old tires makes concrete stronger, Google Maps to start showing eco-friendly routes Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS Scientists post mRNA sequence for Moderna vaccine on Github, new drug to regenerate lost teeth Published by Roxana Adam
GOOD NEWS Indian city ditches cars every Saturday, AI-powered backpack helps the visually-impaired navigate Published by Roxana Adam